Xiangqi Wang’s personal academic page
I’m currently a Ph.D. student of University of Notre Dame CSE program. I have a profound interest in Graph Machine Learning and AI for Science topics, as well as fields including large language model. I am currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Science @ University of Notre Dame, advised by Prof. Xiangliang Zhang. Prior to that, I was co-advised by Prof. Huazheng Wang and Prof. Jian Kang, focusing on online bandit algorithm for graph diffusion. I spent wonderful time as an intern in USTC BASE research group mentored by Prof. Qi Liu and Foxit company respectively. I have my Bachelor in Data Science degree from Univeristy of Science and Technology of China in Jun 2024.
- Ph.D in Computer Science, University of Notre Dame, 2024
- B.S. in Data Science, University of Science and Technology of China, 2020
Work experience
Fall 2023: Research Assistant
- Fair Online Influence Maximization
- Duties includes: Theoretical proof and experimental design
- Supervisor: Dr. Huazheng Wang and Dr. Jian Kang
Fall 2022: Research Assistant
- University of Science and Technology of China
- Duties included: Design novel negative sampling method for graphical recommender system
- Supervisor: Professor Qi Liu
Summer 2021: Research Assistant
- Foxit Company
- Duties included: Design multimodal text-video alignment and retrieval model.
- Supervisor: Professor Xu Tong
Service and leadership
- Served as KDD reviewer for 2024.
- Python (Pytorch, PyG), MATLAB, C++